Saturday, 30 November 2019

AVEC - November Session

16th November

The House of Don Bosco Nerul requested a session from the AVEC. Fr. Leon the annual recollection at 8 am with meditation that helped the children to understand their talents and capabilities better. It also helped them to realise that it is God who has kept them in his grace. The children through games and interaction were made to understand that they are special and have a lot of potential. The day ended with the Holy    Eucharist and lunch.

16th-17th November

Fr. Leon and Fr. Mylin were invited by the YU4C for a leadership camp. It was a great time where along with enjoy the beach and the sand of Gorai, the youth leaders also learnt to develop themselves. Through activities and games, the youngsters understood that they need to build themselves on solid foundations. In order to grow and develop they need to participate in the local church/parish activities and take decisions at crucial junctures. The two days of sessions had everything right from a dip in the pool to a barbeque      session, to fun and games and even a treasure hunt. It was great time being with the young – but we learnt a lot from them about dedication and enthusiasm.

20th November

The Std X of Our Lady of Good Counsel High School, Sion were animated from 11.15 am to 12.30 pm by the AVEC. We helped the children prepare themselves for the upcoming board exams by helping them gain proper perspective. Through the use of games and group interaction, we told the children that we must view the upcoming board exams as an opportunity to excel rather than a burden to surpass. A change in perspective can do wonders for one’s confidence.

21st November

The AVEC animated the STD VIII and IX of St. Joseph’s High School, Wadala, Mumbai. It was nice to help the students focus on their talents. We used the book ‘The Bamboo Principle – The Roots Beneath   Results’ to capture the attention of the young present there. We help them realise that we need to have a firm foundation in life in order to be successful. And this foundation and stability is achieved when one concentrates and does well in school absorbing values and virtues.