Wednesday, 18 April 2012

April 18, 2012: Teachers’ Orientation Program:
Nearly forty teachers of St. Joseph’s High School, Agripada had a one day Value Education Orientation Program that was organized by the AVEC team on April 18, 2012. Sr. Loveniea, Principal of the school introduced the speakers and welcomed the teachers to make the maximum use of the opportunity at hand to clarify and re-orientate themselves as better educators.

 Mr. Rochwyn Fernandes, program coordinator for AVEC, began the session with a prayer song followed by a session on calming down through a meditative breathing exercise. He then briefed the teachers on the various objectives and activities of the AVEC during the last year.
 Fr. Glenford Lowe, director of AVEC then challenged the teachers to view Value Education as an ‘Education to Becoming’ rather than a syllabus to be learnt in class. Taking the teachers through a battery of old mind-sets and assumption, he challenged the teachers to think anew in the light of one’s Personal values and Institutional values.
 Focusing on the three important acts of people: To Achieve – ‘Being by Doing’, To Connect – ‘Being by being with’ and To Integrate – ‘Being by Becoming’, Fr. Lowe inspired the teachers to ‘Manage By Values’ (MBV). The twentieth century will be guided by MBV and it is our Core Values that will determine our lifestyle and our contribution in making this world a better place.
 Through various interactive exercises, reflective moments and a PowerPoint presentation, the participants were able to pick up the importance of Value Education and to create an atmosphere that would be conducive for creating Diamond Valued Students in school and in society.
On behalf of the Management and the teachers, Mrs. Theresa Pinto proposed the vote of thanks.
 Below are some of the observations made by the participants in the AVEC appreciation log book:
“I thank our management for organizing this seminar on Value Education. I always felt that Value education is a subject, but now I know that is an Education to Becoming. You have changed our outlook to Value Education. Thank you for this inspiring seminar. At the end of the day, it is Values that define a person, more than one’s achievements”. – Theresa Pinto
 “This seminar has changed our view towards Value Education. It was very creative and the group work was a big help. It has built our confidence to shape and mould the young. The personal examples and experience has helped us to be role models to others. By focusing on the child’s strengths we can negate the weaknesses. It challenged us to move from being efficient teachers to being Effective and fruitful educators too.” ­ Swarna Patil, Serina Pereira and Archana Gonsalves

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Twenty three young budding Leaders of St. Agnes High School, Byculla attended a one day ‘Leading By Values’ Program that was conducted by the AVEC Team. Mr. Rochwyn Fernandes - AVEC Program Coordinator and Sr. Vera Almeida – AVEC Resource personnel accompanied Fr. Glenford Lowe – Director AVEC for the Leadership session. Sr. Louisa, Principal of the school welcomed the AVEC team and invited the students to make the best use of the opportunity that was given to them.

 Mr. Fernandes began the session with a prayer song and took the students through a small reflective moment to calm down and to connect with the program ahead. He then presented a brief of the AVEC activities. Fr. Lowe began by challenging the young student leaders to be ready for a ‘Leadershift by Values’ 
 Through a variety of small exercises and group discussions coupled with personal reflections and Value based activities, the young leaders were given ‘Ten Value based Leadershift Principles’. Striking a chord with the young leaders on the importance of learning from the past and keeping the focus on future goals, every leader was asked to take the personal responsibility to leading one’s life first before venturing to lead others. 
 Focus was given on the following Value based principles: the Power of Vision, the Importance of SMART Planning, the Mathematics of Team Work, the Art of Creativity, Personal Responsibility and Delegation of Tasks, the art of Problem Solving and Communication, the economy of Proper Time Management, the need for Personal Daily Holistic Renewal and finally the need to Leave a Legacy and Make a Difference.
 The school Head Girl, Chantelle Mascarenhas proposed a Vote of thanks on behalf of the Student Leaders. 
Below are a few impressions by the student leaders on the day’s program as written in the AVEC appreciation log book:
 “The talk was very inspiring. It showed us the different aspects of a good leader. It changed our perception many of our beliefs”. Abigail Pereira VIII

“It made us realize ‘how to use our Common Sense with Creative Sense’. It was really inspiring and it changed my view of a ‘Good Leader’. I loved all the ten points and especially all the value based activities along with it.’ Khadija Nasibdar IX
 “The talk was very motivating and I learnt to be creative and face every obstacle that comes my way with purpose and value based principles’ – Chantelle Mascaraenhas

“The beautiful Values are going to support us in all our lives and create good leaders out of us.” – Samrudhi Pingle VIII
 “All the values we learnt today won’t help me just for another year. They will last forever. All are important, and the complex important points were explained so easily with well planned simple activities too.’ – Ayesha Z. Matha IX

“The seminar held by Fr. Glenn was very inspiring and motivating. It helps us inculcate the good values and aspects of a good leader. The ten points that were taught at the seminar will help me not only in my school life by always.’ – Sonali S. Doray IX

Tuesday, 10 April 2012


Value-Leadership Orientation Program: April 10,2012:
At the invitation of Sr. Loevnia, Principal of St. Joseph’s High School, Agripada, Fr. Glenford Lowe sdb on behalf of the AVEC organized a day’s Leadership Orientation program for twenty four new leaders of the school. Fr. Lowe was introduced by Sr. Lovenia to the leaders. 

 The young leaders then introduced themselves and briefly expressed their expectations from this Value-based Leadership Orientation Program. A prayer song followed that set the tone for the day. Through a variety of Value based games, personal reflections and group sharing, and a few audio-visual presentations the young leaders were taken through the various leadership types and the necessary qualities needed for effective leadership. ‘Leading by Values’ was the theme for the program. 
 The importance of Personal Self-Awareness, Vision and Mission, Planning and Creativity, Team Work and Delegating Responsibilities, Facing Obstacles and the Power of Communication, Time Management and Developing a Spiritual Alignment, and finally the need to ‘Leave a Legacy’ were some of the main points that were touched upon. The young leaders were also challenged to broaden their perspective of life and of the world in order to have the courage to topple their old views and mindsets and to start afresh with a new paradigm shift.
 One could see the enthusiasm and the eagerness with which the young leaders participated in the program. Thanks to the management and Sisters Julie and Swati for their participation too. On behalf of the leaders, the school captain Rispah Cardoza proposed the vote of thanks.
 Below are some of the comments made by a few participants in the AVEC appreciation log book:
It was very creative and very inspiring. Thank you for your good ideas and thoughts. We learnt many things today on leadership” Farah Sheikh 
 “It was a great opportunity to attend this seminar on Leadership. It was very inspiring. Our goal is to become more clear through this seminar and through the guidance of Fr. Glenford Lowe, we are sure that we will continue to keep the standard of the school high.” Rizpah Cardoza- Head Girl, S. Wagh – Asst. Head Girl
 “It was a good chance for us to attend this seminar. We enjoyed the exercises and learned a lot from this seminar. We will work according to what we learnt so as to make something new. Thank you Fr. Glenn Lowe.” Sonu Gautam, Anam Mogar and Faiza Mogar