
Tuesday, 8 July 2014

CAMPION SCHOOL - FORT: STD VIII Value Education Orientation

July 8, 2014
Seventy two students of STD VIII had the opportunity to be animated by AVEC. Mr. Paul Machado, Principal of the school warmly welcomed the guest speakers and introduced them to the students. Many of the Leaders had already taken part in a Leadership Training program organized by AVEC. The topic 'My Life: A Valued Journey' was presented in a two hour session to the students. The session began by invoking God's blessings through a prayer song for peace, good health, prosperity and abundance on all.  The students joined in the later half of the prayer song.
 Mr. Rochwyn Fernandes, AVEC Coordinator, enabled the students to slow down and focus on themselves through a meditative process that included rhythmic breathing. The students took this part of the exercise seriously. After the meditation, Mr. Fernandes introduced Fr. Glenn Lowe to them. He also recalled the kidney donation done three years ago and the important message of being more loving to all. "At the end of our lives we will be judged on how loving we were rather than on how right we were", he stressed.
Fr. Glenn Lowe took the students through a series of reflective moments and constantly challenged them to gauge their progress in life by a Value Compass. "In life, direction is more important than velocity!. It's not how fast you run that matters but whether you are on the right track that counts", he said. Using the true life stories of people who are making a difference, in spite of the tragedies that have befallen them, he challenged the students to get M.A.D - Make A Difference. People like Kia Scherr, Malala Yousafazai and Ryan Hreljac are examples of people who understood the sacredness of life and the need to live it abundantly for others.
The students were given the importance of asking meaningful questions in life rather than living a life of blame and excuse. "You have one life to live, live it well, with no excuses attached", he urged the students.  The invited to students to look at their lives as valuable and as an opportunity to leave behind a significant contribution. He spoke to the students on the need to have a winner's attitude, to work in synergistic teams, to have the courage to share their deep concerns and problems and to be confident in whatever they do. He challenged the students to think and act creatively rather than merely getting stuck in routine. "Remember, your yesterday ended with today's sunrise", he added.
The students were also advised to think and see the bigger picture. "You will not remain an eight standard kid all your life. You need to see ahead and go for your dream", he insisted. The need to live a balanced life was also stressed upon. The need to nourish oneself on the four levels of Body-Mind-Heart-Soul inspired many a student. the practical examples too, coupled with inspiring video clips enhanced the process. Finally, the students were made to believe in living a life of abundance. At the end the students were invited to come forward and write their comments int eh AVEC log book.
 "Really nice experience, learnt new values and much more positive views and mostly I'm sure we can do more in life" -  Manav Jhaveri VIII A
"Very nice for Fr. Glenn to guide us in the right direction. Be the best you can be!"  Viraj Raiyani VIII B
 "It was a very nice experience and I learnt a lot from Fr. Glenford. You guided me to the right direction" -  Kavit Vora VIII B
 "It taught me how to fix my broken Value Compass and really inspired me to become a good person" -  Siddhant Kathari VIII B
 "Fr. Glenford spoke to us about the compass of life and how we should get it back on track and also presented us with values to live our life in a better way" -  Shauwan Irani VIII A
 "Excellent workshop. Really helped me a lot. I am very happy about this session, I hope Fr. Glenn continues his good work and God blesses him" -  Farshid Daruwalla VIII B
 "It was a very nice experience. It helped me a lot too. i wish that Fr. Glenn visits our school every year" - Nikhil Thadhani VIII V

Congratulations to all the students of STD VIII - you were really hyper and enthusiastic all through. I pray God's blessings on each one and may your life be a significant contribution to self, others and God.