
Wednesday, 6 June 2012

CAMPION SCHOOL: Value Education Orientation Program for Teachers

June 5, 2012: The Archdiocesan Value education Centre held its first Value based Orientation program “Managing By Values (MBV)” for nearly forty teachers of Campion School on June 5, 2012. Fr. Glenford Lowe and Mr. Rochwyn Fernandes were the resource persons. Mr. Paul Machado, Principal of Campion School welcomed the speakers through a brief introduction.

 The sessions began with an audio visual prayer song titled “Go Light Your World”. Mr. Rochwyn then invited the teachers to go through a few moments of reflective breathing and relaxation. He then gave a brief report of the AVEC activities for the year 2011-12. “Managing By Values - MBV” was taken in two sessions by Fr. Glenn. The first session involved the importance of ‘Aligning Personal Values and Institutional Values’ and determining One’s Personal Attainment Level with Institutional Job Satisfaction.
 In the second session, on a more serious note, the Teachers were asked to map themselves on the ‘Hall-Tonna Value Map” and to find ways in which to Manage their lives by the Values that give significance to their lives. Through a lot of practical examples and spiced with humor and moments for personal introspection, the teachers found the entire session useful and a good opportunity to realign their lives and to make a difference in their personal lives and in the institution. A short clip by Robin Sharma summed up the entire Value based Orientation program.
 A token of appreciation was given to the two speakers.  Mr. Cyril D’Souza,  proposed the vote of thanks on behalf of the teachers.
Given below are the words of appreciation by some of the participants:
“Fr. Glenn spoke with such passion, conviction and humour regarding the role of Values in our life. It made me realize that I have a long way to go and the time to change is ‘now’.  Nisha DSilva
 A very interesting workshop on Management By Values. Definitely, an eye-opener in today’s competitive world especially when one has to deal with moulding young minds. The workshop was conducted with extreme simplicity and accuracy and hence was very easy to follow.” Jennifer Noronha
“A extremely lively and interesting talk, completely relevant to today’s times and lives. It did not delve into monotonous instruction but showed a very practical and simple way of finding out who you really are. Brilliant job.”   Joyce Noronha
 “Both sessions were deep and insightful. The matter given was SPOT ON! His earlier talk I felt was very good. This time I sensed certain unease in the facilitator, a discomfort, and unpreparedness. What I loved about the sessions is the fact that we must aim for our lives to be Significant rather than being Successful. I also liked the idea of the necessity of knowing our ‘True North’ Values and principles.” T. Fernandes
 “It is important that from time to time we evaluate our Values based on the Values of the Institution. Hence, I genuinely feel that this workshop on Values is a must for all young and not so young adults. It gives times for introspection and getting to realize our place on this earth.” Celia Ann Robinson
“The printed handouts were very good and clear. The Video shown was very meaningful. The facilitator had a good voice modulation.” ­Neha Raheje
 ”The workshop on Management By Values (MBV) was an eye opener to some of us as some of the things were taken for granted. It showed us how professionally we are responsible to the young minds”
“The session was helpful for me. It helped me re-evaluate my goals and the values for which I aspire, it resonated with the Jesuit philosophy of reflection. Hence, it helped me reflect before the start fo the new academic year”  Ashitha Rodrigues

“The session conducted by Fr. Glenn on ‘Management By Values’ MBV was very innovative. It actually allowed me to introspect into my personality, belief and value system. The course also allows us to change our negative traits and rectify those negative values into positive.” Shashi B

“Interesting. It could have been more creative and interactive. The workshop could begin with the Robin Sharma clip and end with a fable”  Sunil Almeida

 The workshop on MBV was truly interesting. It enabled me to introspect and see what values are dear to me. The workshop has bluntly directed me whether I should get off the moving car or drive on ahead at my own risk”. – Cyril D’Souza

“The first talk was good but the second part became little difficult to follow. But Father, your talk has definitely made me realize where I am standing. Thank you very much for giving your precious time.”

Thanks to one and all for the wonderful opportunity to be with you all this morning. God bless you all and I pray every success on this year.